Online Tutorials-Breathing and Support


  • Die Stimme zu trainieren macht selbstsicher und fördert zudem das Selbstbewusstsein!
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  • Breathing and Support

    How do I breathe and support the voice when I sing? Juan Lago, CEO of Classic Vocal Studio, explains it in several exercices!

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  • Breathing and Support, Exercises 1-3

    Exercise 1: Breathe in through the nose – the stomach expands. Breathe out through the mouth – the stomach contracts.
    Exercise 2: Breathe through the mouth – the stomach expands. Breathe out through the mouth – the stomach contracts.
    Exercise 3: Breathe in through the mouth, release all the air on consonants “s” and “sh”.
  • Breathing and support, Exercises 4 and 5

    Exercise 4: With a strong “S” or “Sh”, let air escape through the mouth (blow the air out). The stomach moves inwards, contracting. When finished letting air out, let the jaw fall. The stomach expands and the lungs fill with air through this automatic release of the jaw and stomach.

    Exercise 5: Flexibility exercise for the diaphragm with alternating consonants (“S”, “Sh”)

  • Breathing and Support, Exercise 6

    Exercise 6: Breathe out and in, in stages, controlling the breath while activating the stomach and intercostal muscles.