Online Tutorials-Quiet Vocal Warm-ups


  • Die Stimme zu trainieren macht selbstsicher und fördert zudem das Selbstbewusstsein!
  • Singen ist gesund und macht glücklich!
  • Singen macht Spass! Sing die Stücke, die du schon immer singen wolltest!


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+41 76 235 71 33
  • Quiet Vocal Warm-Ups

    How do I warm up my voice quietly but efficiently? Chelsey Schill, Co-Owner of Classic Vocal Studio, explains it in several exercices!

    Subscribe to our channel on Youtube and stay on track!


  • Quiet Vocal Warm-Ups, Part 1

    A quick set of quiet vocal warm-ups for anybody who doesn’t want to make too much noise at home, from Chelsey Schill of Classic Vocal Studio, using “brr” to free up tension in the lips, release air flow and get the voice going.
  • Quiet Vocal Warm-Ups, Part 2

    A set of quiet vocal warm-ups using the consonant “Mmm”, with different variations, to find the correct vocal placement and activate the breath, from Chelsey Schill of Classic Vocal Studio.

  • Quiet(ish) Vocal Warm-Ups, Part 3

    Warming up the voice on the word “meow”, using exercises to create more vocal projection, from Chelsey Schill of Classic Vocal Studio.