
  • General Terms and Conditions of Classic Vocal Studio KlG

    I. Lessons
    1. You can enter CVS at any time. Trial subscriptions last 3 months after completion, Mezzopiano and Mezzoforte 6 months, Forte and Fortissimo subscriptions last 3 years after completion of the subscription.
    2. When registering, the student has the right to receive a one-time trial lesson and a one-time trial subscription. He/she then decides on a follow-up subscription.
    3. Subscriptions of 10 lessons (lessons every 14 days) or subscriptions of 20 lessons (lessons weekly) of 30, 45 or 60 minutes each can be purchased every 6 months.
    4. The lesson dates are agreed individually between the student and the teacher. Basically, a fixed teaching day and a fixed teaching time are agreed. This time is then reserved for the student. Other procedures upon agreement. In exceptional cases, lessons can be postponed if the teacher has free capacity. Lessons missed by the student expire for trial subscriptions after the end of the subscription period, i.e. after 3 months, for mezzo piano subscriptions, for mezzoforte subscriptions after 6 months, for forte and fortissimo subscriptions after 3 years.
    5. The studio remains closed on public holidays. Lessons that fall on public holidays, Ascension Day, Easter, Pentecost, May 1st, August 1st, Christmas, will be held early or later.

    II. Registration 
    1. With the purchase of a subscription, the following contract is legally concluded: If not canceled, the subscription is automatically renewed with an identical successor subscription if all lessons in the current subscription have been taken.
    2. When the subscription is completed, the student will receive an invoice for the selected subscription by email.

    III. Prices
    1. The subscription price includes the subscription services agreed upon registration. All subscription differences are published on the Classic Vocal Studio website.
    2. The student can pay the subscription price all at once or in monthly installments for an additional charge (see price list). Forte and Fortissimo subscriptions can also be paid all at once or in monthly installments, but must be paid off within 6 months, even if the subscriptions have a term of 3 years.
    3. The subscription price must be paid within 30 days of receipt of the invoice if everything is paid at once. If installment payment has been selected, this will be made in 6 monthly payments over the following 6 months after the subscription has been completed. Trial lessons cannot be paid in installments but must be paid all at once.
    4. If CVS needs to remind you of a payment, fees must be paid for the reminder (1st reminder 10.00, 2nd reminder 20.00, 3rd reminder 50.00).
    5. If payment is not made after a reminder has been sent, lessons can be suspended until payment has been received. The student has no claim to the canceled lessons.

    IV. Holidays and canceled lessons
    1. Teachers' holidays are published on the website (see holidays and public holidays) or announced by the teacher in advance. Lessons canceled by the teacher will be rescheduled or rescheduled and must be rescheduled within the term of the subscription. Replacement dates will be agreed directly with the teacher concerned. CVS can appoint a substitute teacher if necessary. Teachers are free to teach during the holidays (e.g. to make up lessons).
    2. The student is obliged to inform CVS of absences by telephone or email at least 24 hours before class. If you do not cancel in a timely manner, the lessons will be subject to a fee and will expire. The teacher is willing to make up for the regularly canceled lessons with the following restriction: The student can cancel a maximum of once per 6 months with a mezzo piano and twice per 6 months with a mezzoforte. The regularly canceled lessons must be taken during the term of the subscription, otherwise they will expire when the subscription expires. In the event of further cancellations, the lessons will be subject to a fee and will be forfeited. These regulations do not apply to Forte and Fortissimo subscriptions, which have special conditions (see Section V.).

    V. Forte and Fortissimo subscriptions * unlimited subscription

    1. These subscriptions are unlimited, which means that they are not tied to a term of 6 months because they have a term of 3 years. The student can determine the frequency of the lessons themselves. In addition, cancellations are possible until 9 a.m. on the same day of the lesson at the latest and the canceled lessons are not subject to a fee as long as they were canceled within the permitted period. The subscription expires after 3 years if not used. The Forte and Fortissimo subscriptions can also be paid in installments, but must be paid off in monthly installments for the first 6 months after the subscription has been completed.

    VI. Workshops

    1. A workshop will take place when the minimum number of course participants has been reached. Four weeks before the course begins, the interested party will be informed by email whether the course will take place or not. If it takes place, the course participant will immediately receive an invoice, which must be paid within 30 days. Cancellation is possible free of charge up to 4 weeks before the course date. If you cancel from a workshop less than 30 days before the start of the course, 50% of the course fee will be charged; if you cancel less than 14 days, the entire course fee will be charged.

    VII. Termination/Exit

    1. Termination or exit from CVS is possible towards the end of a subscription. It must be made in writing no later than one month before the end of the subscription term. If you do not cancel, the subscription will automatically be renewed with the same subscription after all lessons from the old subscription have been taken.

    Place of jurisdiction: The place of jurisdiction is Zurich.


    • “The violin genius Yehudi Menuhin said: Singing is man’s actual mother tongue. Before I started with the Classic Vocal Studio, the “mother tongue of man” was completely foreign to me, I never sang, I even thought it was impossible for me. Now I have almost forgotten that time, I can no longer imagine my week without singing lessons.”

    • “When I showed up to class a year ago just wanting to sing, I was taught otherwise. Since then, I have been accompanied in lessons about body sensations, breathing rhythms and the inner process. This holistic encounter in singing lessons motivates me even more to engage with singing.”

    • “There is hardly anything more beautiful than singing. It's a great feeling when high tones or coloratura suddenly become easy thanks to the right technique. The lessons in the Classic Vocal Studio ensure exactly this in a relaxed atmosphere and in a very professional manner. Thanks Chelsey!”

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