Online tutorials-singing-in

Youtube videos
By the way

  • Training your voice makes you self-confident and also promotes self-confidence!
  • Singing is healthy and makes you happy!
  • Singing is fun! Sing the songs you've always wanted to sing!


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+41 76 235 71 33
  • Vocal Warm-ups

    How do I warm up my voice? Attached are various videos to warm up your voice!

    The Classic Vocal Studio team shows how it's done.

    You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay on track!


  • Vocal Warm-ups: Various exercises to free up your voice

    Sing-in 1: Triad on Ju-ju-ju with a narrow U vowel
    Awakening the resonance expansion with the sixth and octave
    Juan Lago, co-owner of CVS and vocal coach, explains and shows how it's done!
  • Brigitta Pálinkás, vocal coach at Classic Vocal Studio, shows a warm-up exercise on the word “Vincerò”.
  • Gabor Kabok, vocal coach at Classic Vocal Studio, explains and shows how to mix the voice correctly (head voice and chest voice)
    With exercises to do at home.

  • Mu-ua on a triad
    Awakening resonance, expansion with open vowel A, exercise expansion with sixth and octave
    Juan Lago, co-owner of CVS and vocal coach, explains and shows how it's done!
  • For vocal flexibility, Brigitta Pálinkás from Classic Vocal Studio shows a singing exercise on “Vou”.